Or perhaps they've been around for a while but I'm slow in catching up since I haven't been shopping properly for - I can't remember the last time.

Stay away from - Plump Up Lip Gloss!
A sister I know picked one up by Mistake thinking it was normal Gloss - She said Her lips swelled and were hurting for a couple of days! Although she isn't absolutely certain that it was related.
As for the permissibility of them, am yet to find out...

Some more good news on the Household side of things - for those of us who swore in our teenage years that we would never turn into our mums - but have ended up exactly like our dear mums. Jeyes now have a 'potty wipes' version of parozone wipes, heres the great thing - you can get em for 39 pence at quality save! They are exactly yhte same but slightly smaller - but almost 3 times cheaper than in most stores.
The great thing about these wipes:-
Use on anything
Better for the environment than Bleach.
Stock up Ladies!
:-D That is such a YOU thing to post about - cleaning products!!
assalamu alaikum,
i actually have those khol and its amazing masha'Allah,such a time saver!!!
are the wipes good quality??
assalamu alaikum,
i actually have one of those khol, they're amazing masha'Allah, such a time saver for us mothers alhamdulilah!!!!
umm zaidah Nusaybah
Oh my goodenss!! umm Zaidah on blogs aswell!!! have you got a blog? share with us.........
Oh my goodness1 Umm Zaidah on blogs aswell!! wow. masha'Allah. Has she got a blog aswell?
Those wipes were indispensible during last weekend lol- university toilets and Maymo pooing everywhere, need I say more...
The wipes are great quality!
Good words.
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