At my local library yesterday as my daughter and I had scanned out our books and were leaving, I noticed a rail with some brightly colored red bags hanging. 'Book Bags for under 5's'
"Are they free?" I asked the librarian. (Who doesn't love Freebies.).
She replied in the affirmative, so naturally I went over to have a look.
Yes they were free, for 3 weeks. Just like the rest of our books.
The book bags each have their own theme. I chose the one labeled, 'FOOD'.
Each sack provides a fiction and non-fiction book, a parent guide and a matching educational toy or game to go with the theme. Some will include an audio tape or CD and sometimes even scenery.
Here is what was in my bag,

A toy toaster with 2 slices of toast. (My daughter toasted them, tried to eat them and then threw them in the bin when she had finished thinking they were real.)

A fictional and a non- fictional book.
Both of them to go with the food theme.
Other themes available are Animals, Mummy, Daddy,Clothes, Colours, Farming and more.
What did I love the most about my story bag?
Inside there was an activity sheet labeled, 'Top Tips for using the bag...'
Tip number 1 was - Turn the television off.'

New Scheme at Libraries
And among other tips were the following...
Find a comfortable place to sit together and look at the book or play.
Look at the pictures, read the story or just talk about what you see. Feel free to change the story!
Take turns pointing picture out in the book.

Try to take 5 to 10 minutes special time in the day to have fun together.
SubhanAllah! It is good that libraries try to implement schemes like this. What is worrying though is that parents really need these kinds of things to encourage them to spend time with their children. Muslim parents as well as non-muslim ones.....
Trust you to pick the food one!
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