Hundreds of British volunteers are driving an aid convoy of over 100 donated vehicles packed with practical aid to Gaza. The convoy left London on Saturday the 14th February. This remarkable convoy will be over a mile long and carry a million pounds of aid. Visit www.vivapalestina.org to keep up to date with the progress.
For more pictures and regular updates of the Manchester convoy, visit the Manchester Gaza Convoy website at www.gazaconvoy.com Feel free to ask questions or leave messages of support!
Gaza Convoy Update
The Convoy is in Spain, one of the vans broke down in France, as soon as it is fixed hopefully they will drive through the night tomorrow and catch up with the rest of the convoy in Morocco.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed the website has been up and down for a few days, the Web Host has said that the Jewish Lobby would like the Site to be closed down.
Viva Palestina Email Alert
19.00 GMT 19th February 2009
George Galloway MP, the leader of the 110 vehicle British aid convoy currently in Morroco and bound for Gaza, this afternoon spoke of his anger at the high profile Lancashire Constabulary police action which led to the arrest of nine innocent men who were bound to join the Viva Palestina convoy last Friday.
Six of the nine were released without charge some days ago and are now heading for Tunis in three vehicles laden with humanitarian supplies for the people of Gaza.
But three more were detained in custody for almost a week before being released without charge this afternoon.
George Galloway condemned the timing of the arrests, the arrests themselves and the deliberate efforts of the police to create a story in the press the purposes of which appears to have been to discredit the aid convoy to Gaza. Viva Palestina reports that there was a drop of 80% in donations following the broadcast of the arrests and the police allegations on the BBC on Saturday afternoon.
“Nine innocent people were prevented by the police from joining our convoy with vital aid to meet the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” said George Galloway this afternoon.
“The follow up action by the police, which has apparently included the strip-searching of an Imam and his wife in their own home in Blackburn, has gravely damaged their relations with the community whose trust they need to win.
“Anyone with any sense can see that it is in everyone’s interest to encourage Britain’s Muslim community to engage themselves in democratic politics. That is precisely what this convoy - and the huge political, and humanitarian effort throughout Britain’s often alienated Muslim communities which lies behind it - is about.
“To arrest innocent men in such a provocative and hyped operation will achieve precisely the opposite of that engagement. The timing of the operation is seen locally as an attempt to smear and intimidate the Muslim community and I must say they seem to be right.
“The arrests were clearly deliberately timed for the eve of the departure of the convoy. Photographs of the high-profile snatch on the M65 were immediately fed to the press to maximise the newsworthiness of the smear that was being perpetrated on the convoy” said Galloway.
“I am writing to the Chief Constable of Lancashire to demand an explanation and will consult Viva Palestina’s lawyers with a view to seeking compensation for the real financial and public relations damage we have suffered as a result. I will also be writing to the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, to demand action against those who seem to have abused their power and authority as a police officers to produce this really damaging outcome.”
Assalamualayki I was saddened to know some members were denied access into egypt.
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