In the meantime here's an article very much worth reading by Fatima in The Times:
Living Ramadan: a 30-day spiritual detox
By Fatima Barkatulla
Also don't forget the Cageprisoners Fundraising dinner on the 30th of August in London. My husband and I decided to attend pretty much last minute to last years dinner, we booked our train tickets and hotel and I packed for a night for myself and the 2 babies within half an hour and we went. We didn't regret it.

Here's my post on last years event.
Eid Gifts!

I'm also giving out 5 copies of Enemy Combatant, A British Muslim's Journey To Guantanamo And Back.
By Moazzam Begg (Author), Victoria Brittain (Contributor), posted straight to your door in time for Eid (!) to the first 5 people who request a copy. Just email me or leave a comment (will not be published) with your name and postal address. If you've already read it you can request it for somebody else who's very likely to read it, (UK only).