Saturday, 13 September 2008

Speech by Moazzam Begg at Cage Prisoners dinner

Here is part of the speech by Brother Moazzam at the Cageprisoners Iftar last weekend. The whole speech is not available yet but the part we can hear does indeed speak miles. Moazzam went on to talk about the brothers who are released and the ongoing test for them - that is their freedom.

Sister Yvonne Ridley had also spoken as did Imam Anwar Al Awlaki - which I will post at a later date InshaAllah.

I could only see the teary eyes of many sisters as Yvonne spoke, but as the saying goes, 'The eyes are the windows to what is in the hearts.' Her speech focusing on the plight of our sister Aafia Siddique and also The Grey Lady of Bagram - aka prisoner 650. Her identity still remains unknown.

It was not only a reminder for us but also for the Ex detainees, of what Allah had brought them through with faith and strength. One of the largest gatherings of ex - Caged Prisoners to date, I could see the happiness on my husbands face and I could hear it in his voice at seeing all the other brothers. Happiness mixed with sadness at the same time for the other brothers who were still there and for our brothers And Sisters in similar and Far Worse oppression.

The evening was Inspiring, heartwarming and more importantly - heart awakening. May Allah reward Cageprisoners and all those who are helping in this ongoing cause for the sake of Allah.