Friday, 14 September 2007


Some things to read.

Ramadhân: Have You Got What It Takes?

Ramadan Guide.

How Our Pious Predecessors Spent Ramadan

Welcoming the Arrival of Ramadan

“The fasting person has two occasions for joy”

Islamtoday - Fasting and Itikaaf, articles and rulings for Ramadan.

Last but not least Issue 3 of sisters-magazine is Out!

Highlights of this issue include:
Ramadhan in the Qur'an and Sunnah
The wisdom behind fasting
Exerting oneself in the last ten days of Ramadhan
Preparing your home for Ramadhan
Make this Eid your best ever with our fabulous celebration ideas!

AND... Gorgeous Eid fashion feature


Friday, 7 September 2007

A blend of cultures for dinner.

At this years JIMAS conference Sheikh Mamdouh Muhammad gave us some really good advice - when you invite someone for dinner, never just invite people from one country to your house, try to have people from different countries attend.

I know a sister who did this and used to count to herself, 'Today we have a blend of Bengali, Pakistani, Jamaican, Algerian and Lybian guests!'

MashaAllah It was really nice and I've met many sisters of different nationalities through her.